Non-destructive testing
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is the process of inspecting, testing, or evaluating materials, components or assemblies for discontinuities, or differences in material properties without destroying the part or system being inspected. Non-destructive testing can generally be classified into two different categories: volumetric and surface methods.
Giuppani Ingegneria provides non-destructive testing either during manufacturing or while in service, in order to detect defects in materials and structures and ensure the quality of the inspected components in accordance to the adopted standard guide.
Magneto-inductive Testing MRT
Magneto-inductive testing (MRT) consists of verification of the conservation status of wire ropes; the control allows to detect anomalies inside the rope (breaking of wires, corrosion, etc.) that could not be found with visual inspection.
Giuppani C.N.D. s.r.l. provides magneto rope tests in accordance to the standard UNI EN 12927 using open and closed detectors that can inspect ropes up to 82mm diameter.
Field of applications:
The field of applications of the Magneto Inductive Testing are mainly:
- Ropeways;
- Inclined and vertical lifts;
- cranes, elevators;
- cable stayed bridges;
- amusement parks;
Magnetoscopic Testing MT *
Magnetoscopic testing (MT) is a non-destructive test for detecting suface and shallow subsurface defects or discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials.
A piece or a ferromagnetic component, if subjected to magnetization, highlights outcropping discontinuities on the surface, or immediately below it (few millimeters), which create a dispersion of the magnetic field. The particles of the magnetic detector are concentrated in this area indicating the presence of a discontinuity.
Ultrasound Testing UT *
Ultrasound Testing, based on the propagation of ultrasonic waves in the object or material tested, detects defects or discontinuities in the inspected piece. This test allows to determine the nature, position and the depth of the defect. Giuppani C.N.D. carries out ultrasound testings on forged laminates, forgings and welds and thickness measurement of pipes or tanks in order to monitor their corrosion.
Penetrant Liquid Testing PT *
Penetrant Liquid Testing, is an inspection procedure of the surface integrity of a ferrous or non-ferrous component and, possibly, superficially non-porous during the testing.
Visual Testing VT *
Penetrant Liquid Testing, is an inspection procedure of the surface integrity of a ferrous or non-ferrous component and, possibly, superficially non-porous during the testing.
* MT, UT, PT, VT are non-destructive testings that can be performed on:
- Steel components of ropeways,
- Steel or concrete structures in accordance to the quality controls provided by Italian Building Code (NTC 2018);
- Cranes, elevators, amusement park;
- Pipes, tanks in order to asses the state of corrosion;